Thursday, February 12, 2009

Suspect Hustle...

It's 4 am and as much as I would love to write why I am up so early I will not... I will say I am pissed about the situation and pray that this doesn't happen again.

Among my sleep surfing, I ran across an updated story on welfare octoplets:


Sadly it will be up to Californians, who are already dealing with government financial woes, to take care of the 6 kids that Suleman and the octoplets that she recently conceived.

I thought I spent my two cents on Angry Black Bitch's Blog but every news story about this woman and her kids keeps providing me with more money to put down.

While I have no idea what category this woman's situation specifically lies, her situation does bring the need to discuss limitations on public assistance, social responsibility for people with mental disorders, ethics in vitro fertilization and public/federal assistance scams.

"Some of the disability money was spent on in vitro fertilizations, which was used for all 14 of her children, Suleman said. She said she also worked double shifts at the mental hospital and saved up for the treatments. She estimated that all her treatments cost $100,000. "

Ok so she saves up her disability money (which she could have used to help her and her mother improve their living situation) and gets knocked up 14 times? Come on.. Can you say benefits hustle... This reminds me of people I knew who used to sell their foodstamps for cash..

"Suleman, whose six older children range in age from 2 to 7, said three of them receive disability payments. She told NBC one is autistic, another has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, and a third experienced a mild speech delay with "tiny characteristics of autism." She refused to say how much they get in payments.
In California, a low-income family can receive Social Security payments of up to $793 a month for each disabled child. Three children would amount to $2,379."

Does anyone see a pattern here??? I can't even fathom the emotional and financial hardships that arise when raising an autistic or a ADHD child but from the stories of others around me its beyond a full time job. Yet she has three children, who receive disability benefits, and she gets pregnant again. Suspect??

F-it.. I am going to outright say it.. This has traits of an old school baby momma hustle. It is the hustle I have seen before. A woman gets pregnant multiple times to receive benefits... I thought most states curb tailed that with welfare time limits but since these children are legally disabled their mother will receive benefits until either the child is no longer in her care (i.e.- moves out on their own.)

The hustle continues into cyberspace..

"Also, a Nadya Suleman Family Web Site has been set up to collect donations for the children. It features pictures of the mother and each octuplet and has instructions for making donations by check or credit card."


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